Page 4

  Some people suffered from Culture Shock and found they just couldn’t take being in an alien environment. Others were found to be untrainable as soldiers. Some became physically ill. What they all had in common was that one minute they were in your bunkhouse and the next day they weren’t and were never seen of again.

  After six months, Earth time, we were deemed fully trained by the Krell. That’s a laugh! To use a pun, we were as green as grass as well as actually beginning to get a greenish tinge to our skin!

  Following Krell Standard Combat Graduation Procedure we were landed on Epsilon Eridani B3 with only light weapons, laser rifles mainly. The trouble with the lasers was that they took two seconds to charge between shots and had been discarded by the main Krell Armed Services years before. However they were deemed suitable for non-Krell personnel!

  The ships departed and their vibration alerted the Dondas living below the surface. The Dondas are an insect subspecies that is instinctively inimical to mammal life forms i.e. Humans.

  There were about six hundred of us standing in the open, fingers up our collective waste disposal orifices when the Tunnel lids of the Donda nests popped open. They poured out, bigger than a large earth dog, six legs and sharp pincer filled jaws hungry for meat!

  The troops in the outer fringes of our group were slaughtered before they knew what was happening. Others stood in disbelief and horror as the Insects came towards them. Although we had a nominal Leader with his subordinate ranks, this organization didn’t survive the first contact with the totally alien Dondas.

  Quickly, I shouted for the men to form a semicircle of double ranks, the front kneeling, the rear standing. There was continuing slaughter of our men until this was done and our plasma rifles began to take their toll.

  The battle went on for three hours by which time we had consolidated our position on a small plateau. Our losses had stopped and the Dondas lay in burning heaps all about us. Occasionally a small group of them would probe us, trying to find weakness in our ranks.

  Four days we stayed there, worrying what would happen when our Lasers went dry.

  At the end of the fourth day the transports returned. The Greenies were ecstatic when they realized over 70% of us had survived! We found out later that the norm for the other subjugated races was 25%.

  I was immediately made an Attack Team Leader.


  Year 3 of Off World Contract UK A00100EH.

  Location: Asteroid belt, Barnard’s Star.

  The Krells had their expansion into this sector stopped by the Kendor race. Humanoid but furry like large bears, they found that they could not subjugate themselves to the Krells or make any ‘arrangements’ as you did, Dear Tony.

  My Attack Group found themselves clinging to debris in the asteroid belt whilst the Krell fleet stayed back awaiting the arrival of the Kendor vessels.

  The Kendors were clever. They were moving some of their fleet slowly through the asteroids where they couldn’t be detected because of the dust and rocks. Their plan was to sneak under the Krell Fleet Standard Formation and deliver a resounding blow to the large carriers.

  Much to my regret now, the incursion of my Attack Group into the asteroids was my idea. When I mentioned it to the Principal Overseer the Krells were astounded. They eventually came to think that of all the races they had conquered, the Earthmen had the most warlike qualities. What a find the Earthies had been! It would be their undoing someday, I was determined about that. They would pay dearly for the deaths of my comrades and fellow slaves, Dear Tony.

  We had our eyes on a group of five destroyers moving towards us. The twenty four of us moved as one, planting sonic mines onto the hulls. As we drew close we were seen, but it was too late for the Kendors. They couldn’t bring their weapons to bear and as my group floated free of the vessels only three were burned to death by the Kendor fire-weapons.

  There used to be an old movie where it was said, “In space no one can hear you scream.” That is not true.

  When the destroyers had their hulls breached by our mines they began to disintegrate and clouds of gasses were released simultaneously. Before the gasses dissipated totally ship-sounds were conducted to us and we heard the screams and shouts of dying beings. They were dying at the behest of the Krells because for us to refuse would have meant instant execution.

  When we returned, the Overseers were jubilant. What wonderful finds indeed the Earthies were!

  We didn’t feel wonderful, Dear Tony.


  Year 7 of Off World Contract UK A00100EH.

  Location: Krell R & R area Epsilon Eridani D7. Earth Human Sec 2; A.K.A. ‘Dodge City’.

  I can’t remember what the aliens called the small town we went to after returning from active duty, but we called it ‘Dodge City’, and for good reason.

  It could get wild there as our men and women blew off steam. As a result there were no Overseers present. Alcohol was freely available and most other earth vices if you were so inclined.

  The other races the Krells had subjugated were confined to other sectors and we saw very little of them, except when we were on duty. They were all shapes, sizes and colors. One thing was common, though; a hatred for the Krells.

  By this time I was a ‘Commander: Attack Groups’. The other Commanders and I had our first meeting in the back room of Daisy’s Drinkery, ‘Home of the Best Non-Earth Beers this side of the Green Sun!’

  We just seemed to gravitate naturally to this location and everyone knew if the Krells found out, it would be summary execution. It was here that the idea of rebellion and escape was first mooted.

  There were about twenty four of us ‘Originals’; that is the first ones to be recruited by the Krells and betrayed by you, Dear Tony. As time passed combat attrition reduced our numbers and new faces took their place. By the time we went into action against the Krells, I was the only ‘Original’ left.

  Each Commander represented a legion of about three thousand battle-hardened Earthmen. Our end tasks were gradually delegated amongst us as our plans took shape. For The Big Day, some would begin to subvert supplies from the Krells, some would prepare sabotage of the Krell war machine and some would prepare to assassinate Krell Overseers and Command Staff.

  I was happy that I would be in the last group!


  Year 12 of Off World Contract UK A00100EH.

  Location: Governors Palace. Krella Prime, Epsilon Eridani System.

  After twelve years servitude to the Krells, we Earthmen were regarded as trustworthy. We had done the Krells bidding on a dozen worlds. Killed and conquered for our masters without a second thought and helped expand their empire far and wide.

  But we did have second thoughts all those years ago in Daisy’s Drinkery. For our many comrades now gone, we were about to give the Krells a taste of their own blood!

  Thirty other Earthmen and I waited in an anti-room. We were soon to be ushered into the presence of the Prince-Regent of Krella and rewarded with medals for our long service to the Empire.

  We weren’t considered to need ‘Dress Uniform’, being a lower quality race than the Krells. As a result, we each had hidden inside our loose fitting Battle Blousons a variety of weapons, loaded plasma pistols, thermite grenades and micro-edge cleavers to name but a few. On every wrist we had a synchronized signal band. When I stood forward to the Prince, I would activate mine to send the ‘Go’ command to all of the Earth Legions.

  The Overseers stood nearby. After twelve years of no trouble, they were relaxed and not paying too much attention to us.

  The access light glowed and we were marched into the anti-room and lined up in front of the Prince-Regent and most of the Senior Army Command Staff.

  The Prince stood and addressed me by my Krell name. He informed me that henceforth I would be the Supreme Commander: Earth Human Attack Legions, about 250,000 men.

  “Already am,” I thought to myself. Ignoring what the Prince was saying, I looked down and pressed my signal band. At
the end of the line I could see an overseer pressing the arming switch on his stinger. I had not shown the correct respect to the Prince or stood to attention properly and would be punished.

  The Overseer never lived to lift his stinger as one of my men slashed his arm with a cleaver. His personal force field was only good for deterring energy weapons and he screamed as his arm left his body. The Command Staff were transfixed in horror. I pulled out my Plasma pistol, the same one I am pointing at you now, Dear Tony and shot the Prince through the head. He hadn’t even dropped to the floor before the slaughter began! We ran through the Palace destroying all and everything in our path until, finally we reached the grounds where Drop Ships awaited.

  Above us, visible even in daylight, we saw the flashes indicating the destruction of the Krell Home Fleet. Soon the sonic booms of debris entering the atmosphere were heard and then vibrations beneath our feet of tremendous impacts far away.

  Our Drop Ships lifted to take us to our fleet of commandeered Destroyers and Drop Ship Carriers. Below us the planet was in flames. In a single blow our Legions had destroyed the standing armed forces of Krella Prime and the Home Fleet itself! For years we had waited for this moment and it felt good! The green blood of revenge sang through our veins.

  There were of course, other Krell Fleets but they were busy conquering some other poor souls far away and could not be spared to chase us. As we journeyed to Earth, we broadcast to the Colony Worlds we passed what had been done on Krella and exhorted the conquered peoples to rise up.

  Some months later, the Krell Empire was attacked at multiple points and is in its death throes as I speak.


  “And there you have it, Tony. In a nutshell, your mentors have gone and soon, so will your whole stinking political career!”

  Cromwell felt weak with fear for his own safety but still wouldn’t entertain the idea that what the stranger had said was in any way true and his fault. Over the years he had rationalized his deeds and thinking, now believing The New Version of The Truth. The Stranger was wrong! He, Cromwell, was the most successful Prime Minister in British history. He could not be brought to account by—

  The door opened and another soldier entered. A woman this time, dressed in the same type of Combat Darksuit as The Stranger and with a comm tablet in her hands that she handed to her superior, “Communication for you, Commander Kondor”.

  Cromwell was aghast, “Commander Kondor?”

  Commander Kondor glanced at the information, then at Cromwell, “Showtime, Tony.”

  The Last Prime Minister of England squirmed again to look at his Vid Console that was now lit up totally. Even the S.A.S. Counter-Terrorist light. He felt a faint glimmer of hope and thought ‘They’ll be here soon!’

  Commander Kondor saw the look and laughed, “General Wilson of the S.A.S. has ordered his men to stand down and co-operate with my Legions. Look out of the window, Tony.”

  In the dusk the far Krell tower seemed to lift in the air slightly, and then in clouds of dust it began to collapse down onto its base.

  Cromwell let out a subdued squeal as he realized it was not only the Tower that had been destroyed.

  “No reinforcements from what is left of the Krell Navy either, Tony."

  “What have you done? This is monstrous!”

  “There’s only one monster in this room Tony and it is you. Keep looking.”

  In the distance as the dust began to settle it looked as if the stars themselves were dropping from the sky. Points of light falling and leaving a silver trail vertically in the evening sky.

  “The Drop Ships of Kondor’s Legions are coming home! By tomorrow night we will have executed the people who aided and abetted you. That means most of your fellow Members of Parliament and political friends. We will then be running this country and it will become great again as the starting point of Earths Interstellar Exploration and Technology.”

  Cromwell’s mouth dropped open with shock, “No, no. This cannot be happening!”

  “This is Prime Minister’s Question time, Tony. The occasion you relish, I am told.” Kondor moved his face close to Cromwell again, “Why? For god’s sake why did you do this to your own people?”

  Cromwell spluttered. For the first time in his political career he had no answer.


  All was dark now over Cromwell’s estate. Attack Group A00100EH prowled the grounds. The Main Residence was in total darkness, all light extinguished. There was a brief green flash at one of the windows as a plasma pistol was discharged.

  From ‘The Encyclopaedia Krellania’ Vol. III published in Time Period 4856;

  After the fall of the ‘Krell Empire of the Green Sun’ those that could, left the war-ravaged planet before the once mighty space fleet and navy failed.


  From ‘The Encyclopaedia Krellania’ Vol. III published in Time Period 4856;

  After the fall of the ‘Krell Empire of the Green Sun’ there came a period of emigration now romantically known as ‘The Great Outsurge’.

  In fact this period was a miserable time of escape from a war-ravaged Krella-Prime to colonize worlds that were at best, only marginally suitable.

  The most fortunate colonists went to Krella II, the less fortunate to a myriad number of systems at the galactic rim.

  What became of those left on the home planet after System Closure, is now lost in the mists of time.


  I was six years old when father managed to save enough money to pay for our passage from our home world of Krella-Prime. In my ignorance I thought we were destined for Krella II, a lush tropical replica of the home planet before it was ravaged by the fall of the Empire.

  But father wasn’t rich enough and we found ourselves destined for a lesser planet codenamed Krella-23 that horrifyingly, was virtually covered in water!

  On Landing Day, our Colony-Transporter hurriedly ejected our Lander over a large island that lay in a massive salt-water ocean. The enormous engineless Lander was desperately overloaded and as it began to descend we could hear the heavy alien rain lashing the hull and feel the wind playing with the craft as if it was a toy.

  We colonists that couldn’t afford a landing couch clung fearfully to the internal struts and beams. Father had a length of rope from somewhere and he tied Mother and I to a nearby stanchion as the Lander gained speed and became even more unstable. A large hulking idiot with the temporary armband of an Auxiliary-Crewman staggered over, full of a superior contempt for the 'lesser' colonists, “Undo that rope, you damned Collies!”

  We all ignored the windbag who became even more indignant and placed his hand on his heat-gun, “Undo that damn rope or I’ll toast the three of yer!”

  Father had been in the Emperor’s Elite Marines before the Fall of Krella. His arm lashed out to catch the crewman at the side of his neck. I think I heard a little ‘crack’ then the man collapsed to join the mounting fatalities that were strewn around the cabin. If any of the other colonists noticed they didn’t say anything because we all knew that the Auxiliaries treated the colonists roughly and with contempt just because they could.

  For a long time the Lander was thrown brutally from side to side and those that were not secured flew violently into the metal bulkheads where they lay screaming or lifeless for the duration of the descent.

  Suddenly the craft was flying smoothly then came down to land heavily with only a small loss of life and more or less upright.

  We survivors gave further thanks to the God-Emperor of Krella-Prime when we realized that we had just escaped total destruction by not coming down on top of the nearby ruins of an ancient metropolis!


  Everyone crowded to the portholes for a first look at our new home. Being small for my age I was pushed to a position where all I could see was landing door B6 and the cargo hold vents.

  Whilst everyone was oohing and ahhing at the lush green scenery and the picturesque ruins illuminated by the yellow sun, I watched the vents automatically
cycle open for pressure equalization.

  Suddenly the vents teemed with the shining heads of hundreds of Kroma worms of all sizes, their front sensory nerves sniffing the new planet. It was as if they knew that better living was to be had away from the Lander and the Colonists. They snuffled for a good while then withdrew. No one seemed to have noticed them but I.

  The 'Encyclopaedia Krellania' described the Kromas as more like small snakes than worms but with a segmented metallic-chrome back-shell to ward off space-radiation and predators. It also said an adult Kroma would be about half a meter in length and two centimeters diameter with a mouth full of needle-like teeth, but harmless to an adult Krell.

  The Encyclopaedia also goes on to say that the species had originally been picked up by our navy from an abandoned alien vessel somewhere in the Albani System. Just like the Earthie rats used to infest ancient sailing ships, the Kromas went on to infest every spacecraft we had, existing on shipboard rodents and food waste. No ship could be totally free of them despite all the efforts of the Pest Control Officers.

  Some Krells even held the opinion that the creatures were Symbiotic, i.e. they live off their host vessel and abandoned it when it ‘died’. I think this was closer to the truth than any other theories because on Landing Day our Lander began its mechanical simulation of impending death; It ran on battery power for some hours as the short-life generators and life support machinery slowed and stopped. By then most colonists had abandoned the hulk, never to return and the immediate ecosystem that supported the Kromas began to decay.

  I’m sure that the Kromas sensed the condition of their host and unseen by the frantically busy Colonists they slithered away through the tall grass.

  We know now that the worms adapted well to the local conditions that consisted of cold and wet winters with warmish wet summers. They preferred to stay hidden from predators such as the local foxes and tended to hide in fresh water, flourishing on fish, frogs and small creatures foolish enough to come near.