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  "Who are you? Are you real?"

  The Visitor laughed a low laugh, answering cryptically, "Not quite, Lord Buntar. Not quite."

  "Lord Buntar?"

  "Shhh. I have no time to explain because the last of the Temporal-Energy that has enabled me to reach you is nearly exhausted. You must go into the mountains and upwards to the Winters Pass. You will then be safe and find your way onwards from there."

  "How do you know all these things? How can you be sure?"

  The Visitor was already seemingly fading away and he smiled slightly, "They've already happened, but beware; the outcome is not certain and can be changed if you are not careful."

  With that the Visitor was gone into the darkness.


  In the mountains, he finally slept and dreamed the dream again but this time it was different.

  The Cathedral of The Church of the Everlasting Universe was rubble overgrown by weeds and long forgotten whilst the capital city of Krella Prime became beautiful and rich with its people journeying to and fro amongst the stars.

  Outside of the city the Plane of Krella was crowded with Silver Ships, hundreds of them. They lifted in ones, twos and threes until all that was left was the dark rocket burns on the hard surface.

  Like a flock of silver birds they flew into the atmosphere then ever outwards.

  Some landed upon the sister planet that would be called Krella II (Epsilon Eridani B4 to Earthies) and disgorged thousands of settlers who would continue to live their lives under The Green Sun.

  Hundreds more ships disappeared into the vast darkness to create what would become the greatest empire ever seen and the inhabitants of that empire would be given Green skin by the darkness's and radiations of the Everlasting Universe itself!

  The Dream ended and in his sleep, Buntar smiled.

  From ‘The Encyclopaedia Krellania’ Vol. I published in Time Period 4800;

  ScoutKaptain Drec of the heavy scoutship ‘Emperor Buntar IV’ looked at the planet below. It was mostly covered in water but inhabited by the most ruthless and bloodthirsty, semi-civilised beings they had yet encountered!

  He was ecstatic as he envisioned the rewards he would receive for such a find.

  And rewarded indeed he was!

  After the fall of Krella Prime he was blamed and executed for the disaster that had befallen the ‘Empire Of The Green Sun!


  My name is Gwinn. I am the last Overseer from the Krell Empire of The Green Sun. The Empire is now long gone and I find myself on this hilltop awaiting the arrival of those who may kill me.

  At its height the Empire spanned thirty-four star systems with its mercenary armies expanding ruthlessly outward into the outer fringes of the galaxy. It was in these outer areas that the Emissaries of our Grand Fleet landed on Earth for ‘supplies’. The ‘supplies’ in question being Earthmen to be forcibly recruited to feed the voracious demands of The Armed Forces of Krella.

  It was to be the taking of these particular aliens that caused the eventual destruction of the Empire and of civilization here on the home planet, Krella Prime.


  I have now been wandering over the face of Krella for three long years and it has been a very dangerous place after the Earthers, My Earthers, betrayed me. Outlaw bands roam the land taking what they want and killing all that oppose them. Chaos rules the planet and in the winter starvation visits all that are left.

  Our shattered space fleet, the Grand Fleet, is still visible even during the day. Amongst the enormous hulks atomic fires still burn, the light illuminating the debris. Often large vessels will be seen falling from the sky, comets of molten metal screaming in sonic-booms before crashing onto the unfortunates below.

  During my wanderings I began to hear of a benevolent warlord called King who was reputed to treat his people respectfully and fair. At first I found this hard to believe but I was so desperate for respite from the horrors of our fallen civilization that I began a search. That search has now brought me to this hilltop in a large valley where King is reputed to rule.

  Possibly an Overseer will not be welcome.


  I was born on the Island of Veer in the western ocean of Krella. Society on Veer was mainly agricultural and governed very strictly by the Church of Compassionate Sisters.

  The Good Sisters believed it was the destiny of the Empire to rule the stars. They would entertain no criticism of the forced recruitment of alien mercenaries but any mention of slavery was blasphemy. They also believed a Good Sister should lead a hard penitent life in the most desolate farming regions and work for nothing. They believed in a lot of things an eighteen year old girl would not.

  In Church every Nonworkday, despite their belief in the Empire, the Sisters prattled on endlessly about how the presence of so many aliens on Krella with their strange folklore and religions made us subconsciously susceptible. Worse still, the alien souls would intertwine with ours!

  I wonder if The Sisters still wait for me even now.


  Nevertheless, it was to The Church I was destined because my mother could not control me. I was a wild headstrong girl in those days with beautiful light green skin and many thin wavy head fronds.

  In the fields I would stop whatever menial task I had been given whenever a Spacecraft or Drop Ship went overhead. Trouble followed me wherever I was sent to work because my heart was not in it. At that age what my heart desired, I did not know.

  Inevitably, in my eighteenth year I was summoned by the Head Sister of the Church. She was very stern but said she could whip me into the shape of a Good Sister in no time at all and I was sent home to collect my things.


  Reluctantly dragging my meager belongings across the fields I heard a strange noise behind me. Looking back I saw a large dirigible floating in my direction. The military often used them when on recruitment drives to hover over the crowds during the summer fayres. On the side of the vessel lights flashed and speakers boomed martial music interspersed with the words, “The Empire Needs You! Sign up now and travel the Offworld Colonies.”

  Pretty pictures of beautiful Krells in smart uniforms enjoying themselves on alien worlds moved around a vid screen hung from the vessels gondola.

  As the craft came closer I dropped my bags and began jumping up and down screaming “Here! Stop here, Pleeese!” and other desperate pleas that do not bear repeating.

  The craft passed into the distance and I collapsed in tears onto the grass knowing a hard dull life as a Sister lay before me. I cried myself to sleep only awakening when the temperature dropped. Sitting up I realized that I was in the shadow of the dirigible that floated above me with a lowered boarding ramp.

  A plump smiling Recruitment Officer beckoned to me and I leaped up leaving my belongings there in the field forever and ran into the service of the Armed Forces of Krella.

  I found out later that dumb, uneducated country girls usually got the worst jobs.

  I never returned to the island of Veer again.


  The unfortunate Earthers had to endure arduous military training and on completion found their numbers much reduced. No one dared ask what happened to the failures and drop-outs. Those remaining were divided into twenty-four man Attack Groups and each Group was allocated an Overseer.

  Overseer was my first and only position in the Military. It also required the minimum basic training for an uneducated country bumpkin.

  During training it was pounded into me at every opportunity that my duty was to ensure that the Earthers did as instructed or dispatch them as per Standard Military Procedure. I was to ensure their loyalty to the Emperor and Empire. To that end I was allocated to Earth Human Attack Group A00100EH and unusual for an Overseer, stayed with them for all of twelve years. Until they betrayed me.

  At the start of my enlistment I saw the other Overseers treating the alien troops with unnecessary brutality, using the fatal stinger-wands frequently. I suppose I was still h
eadstrong and could not bring myself to be so needlessly cruel. The result being I was very unpopular with the Corps of Overseers.

  A side effect I did not expect was the change in the Earthers around me. They became more relaxed and showed respect towards me rather than fear. Their human Group-Leader preferred to use a Krell name and was called Kondor. He never talked of his previous life on Earth and I never talked about mine on Veer.


  Our first combat experience was on Rigel B2 where we were to protect Krell Robo-Factories from the local aborigines. The Factories, gigantic but slow monolithic machines surveyed the terrain and plundered the mineral wealth. This was Standard Operating Procedure for our voracious Empire. Krella had plundered more than a thousand primitive worlds this way whilst ignoring or destroying the local inhabitants.

  Our Attack Group was on patrol and walking on a narrow causeway bordered on each side by lakes of stinking yellow water. Suddenly, dozens of tribesmen appeared simultaneously from beneath the water throwing their spears and charging us with primitive axes. In moments several of the Squad had projectiles protruding from their arms and legs. At that time body armour was deemed unnecessary to non-Krell Combat Personnel.

  To make things worse the Earthers were only allowed antiquated Laser Rifles that took seconds to fire and recharge. These were discards from the Krell Army and no damn good when the enemy was a meter away.

  The Earthers threw down the useless Lasers and drew their Kalibars. These were an antiquated bayonet, something else discarded by the mainstream army of Krella. Swordplay was constantly practiced in camp by the Earthers who were very adept at the use of the razor sharp blades. It was almost as if their race had a history with swords.

  Outnumbered, the Earthers and I stood fast. Soon we were covered by the yellow blood of the natives but the Earthers were supremely disciplined “When,” as they would often say, “The bodily waste hits the ventilation equipment.” At least I think that is the correct translation.

  As Overseer, Standard Operating Procedure should have been to use the stinger to put down the Earther wounded then order a retreat. But I had lived with them long enough to know they would not accept this. In next to no time I found my large clawed hands holding a variety of bleeding wounds closed as I applied synthiseal. Then my stinger dispatched the savages three and four at a time due to the high current and the damp conditions.

  Then it was all over.

  As the Earthers lowered their weapons, the waters were green with blood and full of floating native bodies. The bodies were then pushed aside by the jets of our support helicopters as they belatedly appeared.

  Later, many a fist fight in camp was caused by the Earthers shouting contemptuously to the Krell Helicopter Corps, “Better never, than Late!”


  Back at base I was in trouble yet again. Just like back on Veer but a little bit more serious.

  The Commander screamed and banged his hands on the table at my lack of adherence to Military Regulations, S.O.P’s etc. The other Overseers were present and sat around contentedly.

  “You should have left them. We can get more damn Earthers anytime!”

  “Yes sir.”

  “And they’re damn poor soldiers.”

  If the Commander had bothered to listen to my report he would have seen they were in fact excellent soldiers and they would cold-bloodedly prove it eleven years later.

  “Yes sir.”

  “You’ll never be a Senior Overseer by pampering Earthers! And you’re too damned familiar with them! Shoulda left you on the damn farm! Dismissed.”

  “Yes sir.”

  As I left, the other Officers present looked very pleased and the Overseers were nearly bursting with glee. News of my latest fall-from-grace would be around the camp before I got back to my men. My Earthers.

  Entering the barracks of Attack Group A00100EH I was surprised. The uninjured Earthers jumped to attention and in line at each side of the door saluting. They had never done this before and were nearly acting like proper soldiers. This was something they intentionally did not do around camp, showing the minimum respect for any Krell personnel they encountered.

  Between the two rows of men Kondor appeared carrying some kind of tray with a large green bottle on it.

  “It is a bottle of genuine fake Earth beer from Rosie’s Drinkery on Epsilon Eridani D7, Ma’am. And it is for you, from us.”

  I was taken aback as the beer was hard to come by for the Earthers. And I could count on the claws of one hand how many times someone had given me a present.

  “But why?” I stuttered, holding the opened bottle in my hand.

  The Earthers were not tall by Krell standards and Kondor stood as close as he could to me looking up, possibly a capital offence elsewhere in the camp.

  “You’re the first Krell to actually look after us and you’re the best damned Krell we know!”

  With that the men cheered, more beer flowed and I don’t remember much more. The beer was wonderful but very potent to the Krell nervous system.

  After that day wherever I went in camp I was recognized by the human soldiers of other attack groups and they would stop to salute, sometimes with a respectful “Ma’am.” Their Overseers and Officers would glare at me, turning dark-green with suppressed rage.


  In the beginning of my twelfth year as Overseer and after many campaigns on many worlds, I began to see that the My Earthers were slowing down. I realize now that they were worn out with their hard military lives and the incessant demands of the Empire of Krell.

  Finally, later in the year I sensed change in the air. There was much more activity amongst the humans and almost a sense of urgency. But I had lived amongst them so long I just shrugged my shoulders and put it down to more of their peculiar little ways.

  One evening in our barracks bottles of my favorite beer were laid out and the men were all very smart in their dress uniforms.

  “What’s the occasion?” I asked Billy Bob as he limped past me. He had suffered a head injury in combat and was a little slow. He smiled with excitement.

  “Goin’ ‘ome Missy.”

  Before I could get him to repeat what he had said Kondor appeared and shoving Billy Bob gently out of the way he placed a bottle of beer in my hand.

  “It is twelve years since you came to us Gwinn and this is a little celebration. If it wasn’t for you, few of us would still be alive.”

  The hours passed and unusually, each of My Earthers took the time to drink beer with me. A few smiled sadly, showing those baby fangs in those funny little mouths they have.

  If it had not been for the beer maybe I would have been more alert. And I realized that night that they were the only real family I had ever had.


  I awoke in the early hours of the morning with the usual beer-mouth but came fully awake when I realized I was tied to a chair. Around me My Earthers suited up and prepared their combat equipment.

  What the damned Krell is going on?” I shouted.

  The men called for Kondor and he came hurrying to me.

  “You are tied up for your own safety, Gwinn. When we have gone the Krell Military Police may arrive.”

  “When you have gone? Gone where?”


  “God of Krella! You’ll never make it! The Grand Fleet surrounds the planet. The standing army here on the ground outnumbers Earthers a thousand-fold and you have no vessels.”

  “Dear Gwinn, we can’t live as slaves any longer. Can’t you see that? There are many thousands of us and not just Earthmen, other races too. We are spread throughout the Grand Fleet and the ground armies.”

  I began to hear loud explosions from outside the barracks then Krell Troops shouting and Earthmen firing weapons. This was to go on for several days as I sat bound.

  My Earthers were suddenly silent as they prepared to move out. As they filed past me several put a hand on my arm or shoulder and squeezed gently. The phrase ‘A fond kiss of good
bye’ came to mind.

  Billy Bob was second last and he actually kissed my cheek with tear stained lips, “Bye Missy.”

  Kondor was last.

  “Goodbye Gwinn. I’ll always remember the care you took with all of us.”

  A salute and he marched out with a heavy plasma rifle over his shoulder.

  I was eventually freed several days later by the ragged remnants of the Krella Prime Imperial Guard. Just the look of them told me things were very bad.


  All of the main cities of Krella Prime that boasted military establishments were in a bad way. Up above the Grand Fleet had been sabotaged and not a single vessel was left intact.

  On the horizon a gigantic space-station with all of its attendant ships began a slow waltz with gravity that would take it a day or more to collide with Krella.

  For the first time, beneath my feet I could feel the rumble of some crashing remnants of the Grand Fleet far away.

  My Earthers were long gone.


  Now back to the present. I can see a long ragged column of Krell and Earthers moving in my direction now. The sun reflects from various metal shields, helmets and weapons. Most of the column is mounted upon the four-legged Dembas that My Earthers said looked like horses but were about twice the size.

  The army has now stopped and a group of Krell and Earthers have dismounted and are walking my way with extended Kalibars at their waists.

  They stop in front of me and I am most surprised that the leader is an Earther. This must be ‘King’.

  They all wear a kind of chain mail as protection against the last remaining Plasma weapons, I observe.

  The leader wears a metal band with a spiky upper rim on his head. He mutters something to a Krell behind him and a shout goes up to the column. I see a familiar figure limping towards us. It’s Billy Bob! The poor soul mustn’t have made it off Krella during the fighting.

  King asks him, “Is this her, Billy?”

  Billy is jumping up and down with excitement, “Yes my lord, it is Gwinn.”